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T. G. White, N. J. Hartley, B. Borm, B. J. B. Crowley, J. W. O. Harris, D. C. Hochhaus, T. Kaempfer, K. Li, P. Neumayer, L. K. Pattison, F. Pfeifer, S. Richardson, A. P. L. Robinson, I. Uschmann, and G. Gregori
Electron-Ion Equilibration in Ultrafast Heated Graphite
Phys. Rev. Lett., 112 :145005 (April 2014)
We have employed fast electrons produced by intense laser illumination to isochorically heat thermal electrons in solid density carbon to temperatures of ∼10 000  K. Using time-resolved x-ray diffraction, the temperature evolution of the lattice ions is obtained through the Debye-Waller effect, and this directly relates to the electron-ion equilibration rate. This is shown to be considerably lower than predicted from ideal plasma models. We attribute this to strong ion coupling screening the electron-ion interaction.
X. Xie, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, E. Lötstedt, D. Kartashov, L. Zhang, G. Paulus, A. Iwasaki, A. Baltuska, K. Yamanouchi, and M. Kitzler
Electronic Predetermination of Ethylene Fragmentation Dynamics
Phys. Rev. X, 4 :021005 (April 2014)
We experimentally investigate the dependence of the fragmentation behavior of the ethylene dication on the intensity and duration of the laser pulses that initiate the fragmentation dynamics by strong-field double ionization. Using coincidence momentum imaging for the detection of ionic fragments, we disentangle the different contributions of ionization from lower-valence orbitals and field-driven excitation dynamics to the population of certain dissociative excited ionic states that are connected to one of several possible fragmentation pathways towards a given set of fragment ions. We find that the excitation probability to a particular excited state and therewith the outcome of the fragmentation reaction strongly depend on the parameters of the laser pulse. This, in turn, opens up new possibilities for controlling the outcome of fragmentation reactions of polyatomic molecules in that it may allow one to selectively enhance or suppress individual fragmentation channels, which was not possible in previous attempts of controlling fragmentation processes of polyatomic molecules with strong laser fields.
O. Culfa, G. J. Tallents, E. Wagenaars, C. P. Ridgers, R. J. Dance, A. K. Rossall, R. J. Gray, P. McKenna, C. D. R. Brown, S. F. James, D. J. Hoarty, N. Booth, A. P. L. Robinson, K. L. Lancaster, S. A. Pikuz, A. Ya. Faenov, T. Kämpfer, K. S. Schulze, I. Uschmann, and N. C. Woolsey
Hot electron production in laser solid interactions with a controlled pre-pulse
Phys. Plasmas, 21 :043106 (April 2014)
Hot electron generation plays an important role in the fast ignition approach to inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and other applications with ultra-intense lasers. Hot electrons of temperature up to 10–20 MeV have been produced by high contrast picosecond duration laser pulses focussed to intensities of ∼10^20 W cm^(−2) with a deliberate pre-pulse on solid targets using the Vulcan Petawatt Laser facility. We present measurements of the number and temperature of hot electrons obtained using an electron spectrometer. The results are correlated to the density scale length of the plasma produced by a controlled pre-pulse measured using an optical probe diagnostic. 1D simulations predict electron temperature variations with plasma density scale length in agreement with the experiment at shorter plasma scale lengths ( <7.5μ<7.5μ<7.5μ m), but with the experimental temperatures (13–17 MeV) dropping below the simulation values (20–25 MeV) at longer scale lengths. The experimental results show that longer interaction plasmas produced by pre-pulses enable significantly greater number of hot electrons to be produced.
T. Jahrsetz, S. Fritzsche, and A. Surzhykov
Inelastic Raman scattering of light by hydrogenlike ions
Phys. Rev. A, 89 :042501 (April 2014)
The inelastic Raman scattering of light by hydrogenlike ions has been studied by means of second-order perturbation theory and the relativistic Coulomb Green's-function approach. In particular, we investigate the total and angle-differential Raman cross sections as well as the magnetic sublevel population of the residual (excited) ions. Detailed calculations are performed for the inelastic scattering of photons by neutral hydrogen as well as hydrogenlike xenon and uranium ions, accompanied by the 1s1/2→2s1/2, 1s1/2→2p1/2, and 1s1/2→2p3/2 transitions. Moreover, we discuss how the Raman scattering is affected by relativistic and resonance effects as well as the higher-multipole contributions to the electron-photon interaction.
A. Hayrapetyan, O. Matula, A. Aiello, A. Surzhykov, and S. Fritzsche
Interaction of Relativistic Electron-Vortex Beams with Few-Cycle Laser Pulses
Phys. Rev. Lett., 112 :134801 (April 2014)
We study the interaction of relativistic electron-vortex beams (EVBs) with laser light. Exact analytical solutions for this problem are obtained by employing the Dirac-Volkov wave functions to describe the (monoenergetic) distribution of the electrons in vortex beams with well-defined orbital angular momentum. Our new solutions explicitly show that the orbital angular momentum components of the laser field couple to the total angular momentum of the electrons. When the field is switched off, it is shown that the laser-driven EVB coincides with the field-free EVB as reported by Bliokh et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 174802 (2011)]. Moreover, we calculate the probability density for finding an electron in the beam profile and demonstrate that the center of the beam is shifted with respect to the center of the field-free EVB.
H. Dachraoui, d. Laan, N. Müller, T. Milde, M. Porer, R. Manzke, R. Huber, S. Fritzsche, and U. Heinzmann
Mapping spin-orbit activated interchannel coupling
Europhys. Lett., 106 :13001 (April 2014)
Recent advances in the generation of femtosecond extreme ultraviolet pulses have opened up the possibility to study final-state wave functions in photoemission experiments. Here, we investigate, for the first time using femtosecond time-resolved core-level spectroscopy, the feasibility of observing the buildup of a state correlation in a direct time domain. Giant changes in the ratio of photoemission cross-sections of spin-orbit split core states, the branching ratio, are identified. Multi-configuration Dirac-Fock calculations show that the origin of the branching ratio deviation is due to strong core-valence interactions. The possibility to tune this interaction by charge transfer offers intriguing opportunities to study correlation effects in solid and molecular systems in the future.
X. Gong, M. Kunitski, K. J. Betsch, Q. Song, L. Ph. H. Schmidt, T. Jahnke, N. Kling, O. Herrwerth, B. Bergues, A. Senftleben, J. Ullrich, R. Moshammer, G.G. Paulus, I. Ben-Itzhak, M. Lezius, M. F. Kling, H. Zeng, R. R. Jones, and J. Wu
Multielectron effects in strong-field dissociative ionization of molecules
Phys. Rev. A, 89 :043429 (April 2014)
We study triple-ionization-induced, spatially asymmetric dissociation of N_2 using angular streaking in an elliptically polarized laser pulse in conjunction with few-cycle pump-probe experiments. The kinetic-energyrelease dependent directional asymmetry in the ion sum-momentum distribution reflects the internuclear distance dependence of the fragmentation mechanism. Our results show that for 5-35 fs near-infrared laser pulses with intensities reaching 10^(15) W/cm^(2), charge exchange between nuclei plays aminor role in the triple ionization of N_2. We demonstrate that angular streaking provides a powerful tool for probing multielectron effects in strong-field dissociative ionization of small molecules.
T. Ma, L. Fletcher, A. Pak, D. A. Chapman, R. W. Falcone, C. Fortmann, E. Galtier, D. O. Gericke, G. Gregori, J. Hastings, O. L. Landen, S. Le Pape, H. J. Lee, B. Nagler, P. Neumayer, D. Turnbull, J. Vorberger, T. G. White, K. Wünsch, U. Zastrau, S. H. Glenzer, and T. Döppner
Observations of strong ion-ion correlations in dense plasmasa)
Phys. Plasmas, 21 :056302 (April 2014)
Using simultaneous spectrally, angularly, and temporally resolved x-ray scattering, we measure the pronounced ion-ion correlation peak in a strongly coupled plasma. Laser-driven shock-compressed aluminum at ∼3× solid density is probed with high-energy photons at 17.9 keV created by molybdenum He-α emission in a laser-driven plasma source. The measured elastic scattering feature shows a well-pronounced correlation peak at a wave vector of k=4 Å^(−1). The magnitude of this correlation peak cannot be described by standard plasma theories employing a linear screened Coulomb potential. Advanced models, including a strong short-range repulsion due to the inner structure of the aluminum ions are however in good agreement with the scattering data. These studies have demonstrated a new highly accurate diagnostic technique to directly measure the state of compression and the ion-ion correlations. We have since applied this new method in single-shot wave-number resolved S(k) measurements to characterize the physical properties of dense plasmas.
F. Karbstein
Quark-antiquark static energy from a restricted Fourier transform
J. High Energ. Phys., 04 :144 (April 2014)
We provide a fully analytical determination of the perturbative quark-antiquark static energy in position space as defined by a restricted Fourier transformation from momentum to position space. Such a determination is complicated by the fact that the static energy genuinely decomposes into a strictly perturbative part (made up of contributions ∼α_s^n, with n∈ℕ) which is conventionally evaluated in momentum space, and a so-called ultrasoft part (including terms ∼α_s^n+mln^m(α_s), with n≥3 and m∈ℕ) which, conversely, is naturally evaluated in position space. Our approach facilitates the explicit determination of the static energy in position space at the accuracy with which the perturbative potential in momentum space is known, i.e., presently up to order α_s^4.
X. Xie, K. Doblhoff-Dier, H. Xu, S. Roither, M. Schöffler, D. Kartashov, S. Erattupuzha, T. Rathje, G. Paulus, K. Yamanouchi, A. Baltuska, S. Gräfe, and M. Kitzler
Selective Control over Fragmentation Reactions in Polyatomic Molecules Using Impulsive Laser Alignment
Phys. Rev. Lett., 112 :163003 (April 2014)
We investigate the possibility of using molecular alignment for controlling the relative probability of individual reaction pathways in polyatomic molecules initiated by electronic processes on the few-femtosecond time scale. Using acetylene as an example, it is shown that aligning the molecular axis with respect to the polarization direction of the ionizing laser pulse does not only allow us to enhance or suppress the overall fragmentation yield of a certain fragmentation channel but, more importantly, to determine the relative probability of individual reaction pathways starting from the same parent molecular ion. We show that the achieved control over dissociation or isomerization pathways along specific nuclear degrees of freedom is based on a controlled population of associated excited dissociative electronic states in the molecular ion due to relatively enhanced ionization contributions from inner valence orbitals.
N. Tahir, V. Kim, B. Schlitt, W. Barth, L. Groening, I. Lomonosov, A. Piriz, T. Stöhlker, and H. Vormann
Three-dimensional thermal simulations of thin solid carbon foils for charge stripping of high current uranium ion beams at a proposed new heavy-ion linac at GSI
Phys. Rev. ST AB, 17 :041003 (April 2014)
This paper presents an extensive numerical study of heating of thin solid carbon foils by 1.4  MeV/u uranium ion beams to explore the possibility of using such a target as a charge stripper at the proposed new Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung high energy heavy–ion linac. These simulations have been carried out using a sophisticated 3D computer code that accounts for physical phenomena that are important in this problem. A variety of beam and target parameters have been considered. The results suggest that within the considered parameter range, the target will be severely damaged by the beam. Thus, a carbon foil stripper does not seem to be a reliable option for the future Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung high energy heavy–ion linac, in particular, at FAIR design beam intensities.
A. Kessler, M. Hornung, S. Keppler, F. Schorcht, M. Hellwing, H. Liebetrau, J. Körner, A. Sävert, M. Siebold, M. Schnepp, J. Hein, and M.C. Kaluza
16.6 J chirped femtosecond laser pulses from a diode-pumped Yb:CaF2 amplifier
Opt. Lett., 39 :1333 (March 2014)
We report the amplification of laser pulses at a center wavelength of 1034 nm to an energy of 16.6 J from a fully diode-pumped amplifier using Yb:CaF2 as the active medium. Pumped by a total optical power of 300 kW from high-power laser diodes, a gain factor of g=6.1 was achieved in a nine-pass amplifier configuration agreeing with numerical simulations. A measured spectral bandwidth of 10 nm full width at half-maximum promises a bandwidth-limited compression of the pulses down to a duration of 150 fs. These are, to our knowledge, the most energetic laser pulses achieved from a diode-pumped chirped-pulse amplifier so far.
E. Stambulchik, E. Kroupp, Y. Maron, U. Zastrau, I. Uschmann, and G.G. Paulus
Absorption-aided x-ray emission tomography of planar targets
Phys. Plasmas, 21 :033303 (March 2014)
Suggested is a tomography-like method for studying properties of solid-density plasmas with cylindrical symmetry, such as formed in the interaction of high-power lasers with planar targets. The method is based on simultaneous observation of the target x-ray fluorescence at different angles. It can be applied for validation of existing hypotheses and lately for reconstruction of the plasma properties with three-dimensional resolution. The latter becomes straightforward if the resonance x-ray self-absorption is negligible. The utility of the method is demonstrated by examples.
J. Rothhardt, M. Krebs, S. Hädrich, S. Demmler, J. Limpert, and A. Tünnermann
Absorption-limited and phase-matched high harmonic generation in the tight focusing regime
New J. Phys., 16 :033022 (March 2014)
High harmonic generation (HHG) at a high repetition rate requires tight focusing of the moderate peak power driving pulses. So far the conversion efficiencies that have been achieved in this regime are orders of magnitude behind the values that have been demonstrated with loose focusing of high energy (high peak power) lasers. In this contribution, we discuss the scaling laws for the main physical quantities of HHG and in particular analyze the limiting effects: dephasing, absorption and plasma defocusing. It turns out that phase-matched and absorption-limited HHG can be achieved even for very small focal spot sizes using a target gas provided with an adequately high density. Experimentally, we investigate HHG in a gas jet of argon, krypton and xenon. By analyzing the pressure dependence we are able to disentangle the dephasing and absorption effects and prove that the generated high order harmonics are phase-matched and absorption-limited. The obtained conversion efficiency is as high as 8 × 10^−6 for the 17th harmonic generated in xenon and 1.4 × 10^−6 for the 27th harmonic generated in argon. Our findings pave the way for highly efficient harmonic generation at megahertz repetition rates.
S. Busold, D. Schumacher, O. Deppert, C. Brabetz, F. Kroll, A. Blazevic, V. Bagnoud, and M. Roth
Commissioning of a compact laser-based proton beam line for high intensity bunches around 10 MeV
Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 17 :031302 (March 2014)
We report on the first results of experiments with a new laser-based proton beam line at the GSI accelerator facility in Darmstadt. It delivers high current bunches at proton energies around 9.6 MeV, containing more than 10^9 particles in less than 10 ns and with tunable energy spread down to 2.7% (ΔE/E0 at FWHM). A target normal sheath acceleration stage serves as a proton source and a pulsed solenoid provides for beam collimation and energy selection. Finally a synchronous radio frequency (rf) field is applied via a rf cavity for energy compression at a synchronous phase of −90  deg. The proton bunch is characterized at the end of the very compact beam line, only 3 m behind the laser matter interaction point, which defines the particle source.
M. Yeung, B. Dromey, S. Cousens, T. Dzelzainis, D. Kiefer, J. Schreiber, J. Bin, W. Ma, C. Kreuzer, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, M. Streeter, P. Foster, S. Rykovanov, and M. Zepf
Dependence of Laser-Driven Coherent Synchrotron Emission Efficiency on Pulse Ellipticity and Implications for Polarization Gating
Phys. Rev. Lett., 112 :123902 (March 2014)
The polarization dependence of laser-driven coherent synchrotron emission transmitted through thin foils is investigated experimentally. The harmonic generation process is seen to be almost completely suppressed for circular polarization opening up the possibility of producing isolated attosecond pulses via polarization gating. Particle-in-cell simulations suggest that current laser pulses are capable of generating isolated attosecond pulses with high pulse energies.
B. Aurand, S. Kuschel, O. Jäckel, C. Rödel, H. Zhao, S. Herzer, A. Paz, J. Bierbach, J. Polz, B. Elkin, A. Karmakar, P. Gibbon, M.C. Kaluza, and T. Kühl
Enhanced radiation pressure-assisted acceleration by temporally tuned counter-propagating pulses
Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 740 :83 (March 2014)
Within the last decade, laser-ion acceleration has become a field of broad interest. The possibility to generate short proton- or heavy ion bunches with an energy of a few tens of MeV by table-top laser systems could open new opportunities for medical or technical applications. Nevertheless, today's laser-acceleration schemes lead mainly to a temperature-like energy distribution of the accelerated ions, a big disadvantage compared to mono-energetic beams from conventional accelerators. Recent results [1] of laser-ion acceleration using radiation-pressure appear promising to overcome this drawback. In this paper, we demonstrate the influence of a second counter-propagating laser pulse interacting with a nm-thick target, creating a well defined pre-plasma.
D. Gwynne, S. Kar, D. Doria, H. Ahmed, M. Cerchez, J. Fernandez, R. J. Gray, J. S. Green, F. Hanton, D. A. MacLellan, P. McKenna, Z. Najmudin, D. Neely, J. A. Ruiz, A. Schiavi, M. Streeter, M. Swantusch, O. Willi, M. Zepf, and M. Borghesi
Modified Thomson spectrometer design for high energy, multi-species ion sources
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 85 :033304 (March 2014)
A modification to the standard Thomson parabola spectrometer is discussed, which is designed to measure high energy (tens of MeV/nucleon), broad bandwidth spectra of multi-species ions accelerated by intense laser plasma interactions. It is proposed to implement a pair of extended, trapezoidal shaped electric plates, which will not only resolve ion traces at high energies, but will also retain the lower energy part of the spectrum. While a longer (along the axis of the undeflected ion beam direction) electric plate design provides effective charge state separation at the high energy end of the spectrum, the proposed new trapezoidal shape will enable the low energy ions to reach the detector, which would have been clipped or blocked by simply extending the rectangular plates to enhance the electrostatic deflection.
M. Kübel, K. J. Betsch, N. G. Kling, A. S. Alnaser, J. Schmidt, U. Kleineberg, Y. Deng, I. Ben-Itzhak, G.G. Paulus, T. Pfeifer, J. Ullrich, R. Moshammer, M. F. Kling, and B. Bergues
Non-sequential double ionization of Ar: from the single- to the many-cycle regime
New J. Phys., 16 :033008 (March 2014)
The transition from the near-single to the multi-cycle regime in non-sequential double ionization of argon is investigated experimentally. Argon atoms are exposed to intense laser pulses with a center wavelength around 790 nm and the momenta of electrons and ions generated in the double ionization process are measured in coincidence using a reaction microscope. The duration of the near transform-limited pulses is varied from 4 to 30 fs. We observe an abrupt collapse of the cross-shaped two-electron momentum distribution [17] in the few-cycle regime. The transition to longer pulses is further accompanied by a strong increase in the fraction of anti-correlated to correlated electrons.
A. Blinne, and H. Gies
Pair production in rotating electric fields
Phys. Rev. D, 89 :085001 (March 2014)
We explore Schwinger pair production in rotating time-dependent electric fields using the real-time Dirac-Heisenberg-Wigner formalism. We determine the time evolution of the Wigner function as well as asymptotic particle distributions neglecting backreactions on the electric field. Whereas qualitative features can be understood in terms of effective Keldysh parameters, the field rotation leaves characteristic imprints in the momentum distribution that can be interpreted in terms of interference and multiphoton effects. These phenomena may seed characteristic features of QED cascades created in the antinodes of a high-intensity standing wave laser field.
J. Seres, E. Seres, B. Landgraf, B. Ecker, B. Aurand, A. Hoffmann, G. Winkler, S. Namba, T. Kuehl, and C. Spielmann
Parametric amplification of attosecond pulse trains at 11nm
Sci. Rep., 4 :4254 (March 2014)
We report the first experimental demonstration of the parametric amplification of attosecond pulse trains at around 11 nm. The helium amplifier is driven by intense laser pulses and seeded by high-order harmonics pulses generated in a neon gas jet. Our measurements suggest that amplification takes place only if the seed pulse-trains are perfectly synchronized in time with the driving laser field in the amplifier. Varying the delay, we estimate the durations of the individual extreme ultraviolet pulses within the train to be on the order of 0.2 fs. Our results demonstrate that strong-field parametric amplification can be a suitable tool to amplify weak attosecond pulses from non-destructive pump-probe experiments and it is an important step towards designing amplifiers for realization of energetic XUV pulses with sub-femtosecond duration using compact lasers fitting in university laboratories.
V. A. Zaytsev, A. V. Maiorova, V. M. Shabaev, A. V. Volotka, S. Tashenov, G. Plunien, and T. Stöhlker
Parity-nonconservation effect in the dielectronic recombination of polarized electrons with heavy He-like ions
Phys. Rev. A, 89 :032703 (March 2014)
We investigate the parity nonconservation (PNC) effect in the dielectronic recombination of a polarized electron with a heavy He-like ion into doubly excited [(1s2p1/2)_0 nκ]_1/2 and [(1s2s)_0 nκ]_1/2 states of a Li-like ion. We determine the nuclear charge number Z for which these opposite-parity levels are almost crossing and therefore the PNC effect will be significantly enhanced. Calculations are performed for quantum numbers n≥4 and κ=±1.
R. Riedel, A. Stephanides, M. J. Prandolini, B. Gronloh, B. Jungbluth, T. Mans, and F. Tavella
Power scaling of supercontinuum seeded megahertz-repetition rate optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers
Opt. Lett., 39 :1422 (March 2014)
Optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers with high average power are possible with novel high-power Yb:YAG amplifiers with kW-level output powers. We demonstrate a compact wavelength-tunable sub-30-fs amplifier with 11.4 W average power with 20.7% pump-to-signal conversion efficiency. For parametric amplification, a beta-barium borate crystal is pumped by a 140 W, 1 ps Yb:YAG InnoSlab amplifier at 3.25 MHz repetition rate. The broadband seed is generated via supercontinuum generation in a YAG crystal.
U. Zastrau, P. Sperling, M. Harmand, A. Becker, T. Bornath, R. Bredow, S. Dziarzhytski, T. Fennel, L. Fletcher, E. Förster, S. Göde, G. Gregori, V. Hilbert, D. Hochhaus, B. Holst, T. Laarmann, H. Lee, T. Ma, J. Mithen, R. Mitzner, C. Murphy, M. Nakatsutsumi, P. Neumayer, A. Przystawik, S. Roling, M. Schulz, B. Siemer, S. Skruszewicz, J. Tiggesbäumker, S. Toleikis, T. Tschentscher, T. White, M. Wöstmann, H. Zacharias, T. Döppner, S. Glenzer, and R. Redmer
Resolving Ultrafast Heating of Dense Cryogenic Hydrogen
Phys. Rev. Lett., 112 :105002 (March 2014)
We report on the dynamics of ultrafast heating in cryogenic hydrogen initiated by a ≲300  fs, 92 eV free electron laser x-ray burst. The rise of the x-ray scattering amplitude from a second x-ray pulse probes the transition from dense cryogenic molecular hydrogen to a nearly uncorrelated plasmalike structure, indicating an electron-ion equilibration time of ∼0.9  ps. The rise time agrees with radiation hydrodynamics simulations based on a conductivity model for partially ionized plasma that is validated by two-temperature density-functional theory.
S. Busold, A. Almomani, V. Bagnoud, W. Barth, S. Bedacht, A. Blazevic, O. Boine-Frankenheim, C. Brabetz, T. Burris-Mog, T. Cowan, O. Deppert, M. Droba, H. Eickhoff, U. Eisenbarth, K. Harres, G. Hoffmeister, I. Hofmann, O. Jäckel, R. Jäger, M. Joost, S. Kraft, F. Kroll, M. Kaluza, O. Kester, Z. Lecz, T. Merz, F. Nürnberg, H. Al-Omari, A. Orzhekhovskaya, G. Paulus, J. Polz, U. Ratzinger, M. Roth, G. Schaumann, P. Schmidt, U. Schramm, G. Schreiber, D. Schumacher, T. Stöhlker, A. Tauschwitz, W. Vinzenz, F. Wagner, S. Yaramyshev, and B. Zielbauer
Shaping laser accelerated ions for future applications – The LIGHT collaboration
Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 740 :94 (March 2014)
Abstract The generation of intense ion beams from high-intensity laser-generated plasmas has been the focus of research for the last decade. In the LIGHT collaboration the expertise of heavy ion accelerator scientists and laser and plasma physicists has been combined to investigate the prospect of merging these ion beams with conventional accelerator technology and exploring the possibilities of future applications. We report about the goals and first results of the LIGHT collaboration to generate, handle and transport laser driven ion beams. This effort constitutes an important step in research for next generation accelerator technologies.