Erste gemeinsame Lecture Week von HGS-HIRe und RS-APS fand im Schloss Ulrichshusen statt.

The first Joint HGS-HIRe (Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research) and RS-APS (Research School for Advanced Photon Science) Lecture Week took place in Ulrichshusen Manor from August 25-30, 2013. Stimulated by the beautiful location, the lecturers Michael Geissler (U Belfast), Mark Prandolini (HI-Jena & DESY), Christian Spielmann (HI-Jena & U Jena) and Matt Zepf (HI-Jena & U Belfast) discussed enthusiastically together with the attending students the various facets of "The physics of ultrashort laser pulses and laser matter interactions". Although the program of lectures, presentations by the participants and group projects was challenging, there was still time to enjoy the picturesque venue and its surroundings.