T. Kämpfer,
I. Uschmann,
Z. W. Wu,
A. Surzhykov,
S. Fritzsche,
E. Förster,
and G.G. Paulus
Linear polarization of the characteristic x-ray lines following inner-shell photoionization of tungsten
Phys. Rev. A, 93 :033409 (March 2016)
Linear polarization of the characteristic x-ray lines following inner-shell photoionization of tungsten
Phys. Rev. A, 93 :033409 (March 2016)
The linear polarization of the characteristic lines Lα1 (3d5/2→2p3/2) and Lα2 (3d3/2→2p3/2), following inner-shell photoionization of neutral tungsten, is analyzed both experimentally and theoretically. In the experiment, a tungsten target is photoionized by the primary emission of an x-ray tube with incident photon energies in the range of 10.2–30 keV. The σ and π components of the emitted fluorescence are measured by using a spectropolarimeter, based on x-ray diffraction at Bragg angles close to 45∘. The degree of linear polarization of the Lα1 and Lα2 lines is determined to be +(1.6±0.5)% and −(7±2)%, respectively. In addition, this degree of polarization is calculated within the framework of the density-matrix theory as a function of the incident photon energy. These calculations are in good agreement with the experimental results and show only a weak dependence of the degree of polarization on the energy of the incident photoionizing photon.