Peer-Review Publications


J. Hofbrucker, A. V. Volotka, and S. Fritzsche
Breakdown of the electric dipole approximation at Cooper minima in direct two-photon ionisation
Sci. Rep., 10 :3617 (February 2020)
We predict breakdown of the electric dipole approximation at nonlinear Cooper minimum in direct two-photon K–shell atomic ionisation by circularly polarised light. According to predictions based on the electric dipole approximation, we expect that tuning the incident photon energy to the Cooper minimum in two-photon ionisation results in pure depletion of one spin projection of the initially bound 1s electrons, and hence, leaves the ionised atom in a fully oriented state. We show that by inclusion of electric quadrupole interaction, dramatic drop of orientation purity is obtained. The low degree of the remaining ion orientation provides a direct access to contributions of the electron-photon interaction beyond the electric dipole approximation in the two-photon ionisation of atoms and molecules. The orientation of the photoions can be experimentally detected either directly by a Stern-Gerlach analyzer, or by means of subsequent Kα fluorescence emission, which has the information about the ion orientation imprinted in the polarisation of the emitted photons.
N. Stallkamp, S. Ringleb, B. Arndt, M. Kiffer, S. Kumar, T. Morgenroth, G.G. Paulus, W. Quint, T. Stöhlker, and M. Vogel
HILITE—A tool to investigate interactions of matter and light
X-Ray Spec., 49 :188 (February 2020)
Detailed investigations of laser–ion interactions require well‐defined ion targets and detection techniques for high‐sensitivity measurements of reaction educts and products. To this end, we have designed and built the High‐Intensity Laser‐Ion Trap Experiment Penning trap setup, which features various ion‐target preparation techniques including selection, cooling, compression, and positioning as well as destructive and non‐destructive measurement techniques to determine the number of stored ions for all charge states individually and simultaneously. We have recently performed first commissioning experiments of ion deceleration and dynamic ion capture with highly charged ion bunches from an electron beam ion source. We have characterized our single‐pass non‐destructive ion counter in detail and were able to determine the ion velocity as well as the number of ions from the signals acquired.
N. Dimitrov, M. Zhekova, G. Paulus, and A. Dreischuh
Inverted field interferometer for measuring the topological charges of optical vortices carried by short pulses
Opt. Commun., 456 :124530 (February 2020)
In this work, we present an improved technique for measuring both the magnitude and sign of the topological charge of input optical vortex beams carried by short laser pulses. Numerical simulations and experimental evidences for the interference signal obtainable at the output of an inverted field interferometer (IFI) valid for both continuous wave and femtosecond optical vortex beams and pulses with an eventual pulse front tilt are in an excellent agreement. An IFI also appears to be a valuable tool for calibrating a built-in variable delay line and for estimating an eventual pulse front tilt of the input ultrashort laser pulses without any realignments. As a trivial side effect, by blocking alternatively one of the two arms of the interferometer, one can use OV beams/pulses of opposite TCs, which are well located in the plane of a desired target, eventually — at precisely known time delays.
A. Perry-Sassmannshausen, T. Buhr, A. Borovik, M. Martins, S. Reinwardt, S. Ricz, S. Stock, F. Trinter, A. Müller, S. Fritzsche, and S. Schippers
Multiple Photodetachment of Carbon Anions via Single and Double Core-Hole Creation
Phys. Rev. Lett., 124 :083203 (February 2020)
We report on new measurements of m-fold photodetachment (m=2-5) of carbon anions via K-shell excitation and ionization. The experiments were carried out employing the photon-ion merged-beams technique at a synchrotron light source. While previous measurements were restricted to double detachment (m=2) and to just the lowest-energy K-shell resonance at about 282 eV, our absolute experimental m-fold detachment cross sections at photon energies of up to 1000 eV exhibit a wealth of new thresholds and resonances. We tentatively identify these features with the aid of detailed atomic-structure calculations. In particular, we find unambiguous evidence for fivefold detachment via double K-hole production.
O. Forstner, D. Bemmerer, T. Cowan, R. Dressler, A. Junghans, D. Schumann, T. Stöhlker, T. Szücs, A. Wagner, and K. Zuber
Opportunities for measurements of astrophysical-relevant alpha-capture reaction rates at CRYRING@ESR
X-Ray Spec., 49 :129 (February 2020)
The heavy-ion storage ring CRYRING@ESR has recently been installed and commissioned at GSI as one of the first installations of the upcoming Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). It is designed to store highly charged ions in the energy range between 300?keV/u and about 10?MeV/u. It will incorporate a gas-jet target providing high-density jets of, among other gases, hydrogen and helium. This will allow to study alpha-capture reaction rates of astrophysical interest in the energy range of the Gamow window for core-collapse supernovae. Special interest comes from the long-lived radio-isotope 44Ti (t1/2?=?58.9?years), which is supposed to be produced in the alpha-rich freeze-out during such an event. The nucleosynthesis of this isotope is of great interest, as the amount of material produced can be estimated by direct observation in remnants of recent supernovae. The disagreements between the observations and the estimations from astrophysical models show the need of more experimental data for the production and consumption reactions in the energy range of a core-collapse supernova. In this article, we will describe the proposed method of injecting beams of 44Ti into CRYRING@ESR and performing the actual reaction rate measurements.
P.-M. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, M. Groshev, D. Banaś, E. Benis, C. Brandau, E. De Filippo, O. Forstner, J. Glorius, R. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, D. Guo, B. Hai, M. Herdrich, M. Lestinsky, Y. Litvinov, E. Pagano, N. Petridis, M. Sanjari, D. Schury, U. Spillmann, S. Trotsenko, M. Vockert, G. Weber, V. Yerokhin, and T. Stöhlker
Radiative electron capture to the continuum in U89+ + N2 collisions: Experiment and theory
Phys. Rev. A, 101 :022708 (February 2020)
For U89+ projectiles colliding at a beam energy of 75.91 MeV/u with a N2 target, we present a coincidence measurement between the cusp electrons emitted under an angle of 0° with respect to the projectile beam and the photons emitted under a polar angle of 90°. This radiative-electron-capture-to-continuum cusp directly probes the theory of electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung up to the high-energy endpoint in inverse kinematics. In the present study, significant improvement with respect to the experimental accuracy has been achieved, resulting in a finer agreement between experimental and theoretical results.
N. A. Tahir, P. Neumayer, I. V. Lomonosov, A. Shutov, V. Bagnoud, A. R. Piriz, S. A. Piriz, and C. Deutsch
Studies of equation of state properties of high-energy-density matter generated by intense ion beams at the facility for antiprotons and ion research
Phys. Rev. E, 101 :023202 (February 2020)
The work presented in this paper shows with the help of two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations that intense heavy-ion beams are a very efficient tool to induce high energy density (HED) states in solid matter. These simulations have been carried out using a computer code BIG2 that is based on a Godunov-type numerical algorithm. This code includes ion beam energy deposition using the cold stopping model, which is a valid approximation for the temperature range accessed in these simulations. Different phases of matter achieved due to the beam heating are treated using a semiempirical equation-of-state (EOS) model. To take care of the solid material properties, the Prandl-Reuss model is used. The high specific power deposited by the projectile particles in the target leads to phase transitions on a timescale of the order of tens of nanosecond, which means that the sample material achieves thermodynamic equilibrium during the heating process. In these calculations we use Pb as the sample material that is irradiated by an intense uranium beam. The beam parameters including particle energy, focal spot size, bunch length, and bunch intensity are considered to be the same as the design parameters of the ion beam to be generated by the SIS100 heavy-ion synchrotron at the Facility for Antiprotons and Ion Research (FAIR), at Darmstadt. The purpose of this work is to propose experiments to measure the EOS properties of HED matter including studies of the processes of phase transitions at the FAIR facility. Our simulations have shown that depending on the specific energy deposition, solid lead will undergo phase transitions leading to an expanded hot liquid state, two-phase liquid-gas state, or the critical parameter regime. In a similar manner, other materials can be studied in such experiments, which will be a very useful addition to the knowledge in this important field of research.
G. Weber, A. Gumberidze, M. Herdrich, R. Märtin, U. Spillmann, A. Surzhykov, D. Thorn, S. Trotsenko, N. Petridis, C. Fontes, and T. Stöhlker
Towards a determination of absolute cross sections for projectile excitation of hydrogen‐like uranium in collisions with neutral atoms
X-Ray Spec., 49 :239 (February 2020)
Recently, the contribution of the generalized Breit interaction to electron impact ionization was identified for the first time in a high‐Z system, namely, hydrogen‐like uranium. This study employed a measurement of the relative population of the j = 1/2 and j = 3/2 states of the L shell by projectile excitation in collision of U91+ with hydrogen and nitrogen targets. However, for a rigorous test of ion–atom collision theory, also the absolute excitation cross sections are of great importance. In the present work, we report on our efforts to extend the previous study to a determination of the absolute projectile excitation cross sections by normalization to the well‐known radiative electron capture process.
R. Sanchez, A. Braeuning-Demian, J. Glorius, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, A. Kalinin, T. Köhler, Y. A. Litvinov, N. Petridis, S. Sanjari, U. Spillmann, and T. Stöhlker
Towards experiments with highly charged ions at HESR
X-Ray Spec., 49 :33 (February 2020)
The atomic physics collaboration SPARC is a part of the APPA pillar at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research. It aims at atomic‐physics research across virtually the full range of atomic matter. An emphasis of this contribution are the atomic physics experiments addressing the collision dynamics in strong electro‐magnetic fields as well as the fundamental interactions between electrons and heavy nuclei at the HESR. Here we give a short overview about the central instruments for SPARC experiments at this storage ring.
V. Dinu, and G. Torgrimsson
Trident process in laser pulses
Phys. Rev. D, 101 :056017 (February 2020)
We study the trident process in laser pulses. We provide exact numerical results for all contributions, including the difficult exchange term. We show that all terms are in general important for a short pulse. For a long pulse, we identify a term that gives the dominant contribution even if the intensity is only moderately high, a0≳1, which is an experimentally important regime where the standard locally constant field (LCF) approximation cannot be used. We show that the spectrum has a richer structure at a0∼1, compared to the LCF regime a0≫1. We study the convergence to LCF as a0 increases and how this convergence depends on the momentum of the initial electron. We also identify the terms that dominate at high energy.
M. Müller, C. Aleshire, A. Klenke, E. Haddad, F. Légaré, A. Tünnermann, and J. Limpert
10.4 kW coherently combined ultrafast fiber laser
Opt. Lett., 45 :3083 ( 2020)
An ultrafast laser delivering 10.4 kW average output power based on a coherent combination of 12 step-index fiber amplifiers is presented. The system emits close-to-transform-limited 254 fs pulses at an 80 MHz repetition rate, and has a high beam quality (M2 ≤ 1.2) and a low relative intensity noise of 0.56% in the frequency range of 1 Hz to 1 MHz. Automated spatiotemporal alignment allows for hands-off operation.
S. Hagmann, P. Hillenbrand, Y. A. Litvinov, U. Spillmann, and T. Stöhlker
A magnetic spectrometer for electron‐positron pair spectroscopy in storage rings
X-Ray Spec., 49 :115 (January 2020)
We report an analysis of electron‐optical properties of a toroidal magnetic sector spectrometer and examine parameters for its implementation in a relativistic heavy‐ion storage ring, for example the High Energy Storage ring (HESR) at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) facility. For studies of free–free pair production in heavy‐ion atom collisions, this spectrometer exhibits very high efficiencies for coincident e+–e− pair spectroscopy over a wide range of momenta of emitted lepton pairs. The high coincidence efficiency of the spectrometer is the key for stringent tests of theoretical predictions for the phase space correlation of lepton vector momenta in free–free pair production.
H. Gies, and J. Ziebell
Asymptotically safe QED
Eur. Phys. J. C, 80 :607 ( 2020)
High-energy completeness of quantum electrodynamics (QED) can be induced by an interacting ultraviolet fixed point of the renormalization flow. We provide evidence for the existence of two of such fixed points in the subspace spanned by the gauge coupling, the electron mass and the Pauli spin-field coupling. Renormalization group trajectories emanating from these fixed points correspond to asymptotically safe theories that are free from the Landau pole problem. We analyze the resulting universality classes defined by the fixed points, determine the corresponding critical exponents, study the resulting phase diagram, and quantify the stability of our results with respect to a systematic expansion scheme. We also compute high-energy complete flows towards the long-range physics. We observe the existence of a renormalization group trajectory that interconnects one of the interacting fixed points with the physical low-energy behavior of QED as measured in experiment. Within pure QED, we estimate the crossover from perturbative QED to the asymptotically safe fixed point regime to occur somewhat above the Planck scale but far below the scale of the Landau pole.
V. Zaytsev, A. Surzhykov, V. Serbo, V. Kosheleva, M. Groshev, V. Yerokhin, V. Shabaev, and T. Stöhlker
Atomic processes with twisted electrons
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1412 :052013 ( 2020)
The present status of the fully-relativistic nonperturbative calculations of the fundamental atomic processes with twisted electrons is presented. In particular, the elastic (Mott) scattering, the radiative recombination, and for the very first time, the Bremsstrahlung processes are considered. The electron-ion interaction is accounted for in a nonperturbative manner, that allows obtaining reliable results for heavy systems. We investigate the influence of the "twistedness" of the incoming electron on the angular and polarization properties of the emitted electrons and photons for the elastic and inelastic scattering, respectively. It is found that these properties exhibit a strong dependence on the opening angle of the vortex electron beam in all processes considered.
M. Kiffer, S. Ringleb, N. Stallkamp, S. Kumar, B. Arndt, M. Vogel, W. Quint, and T. Stöhlker
Characterisation of ion bunches by a single-pass non-destructive charge counter
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1412 :242004 ( 2020)
Synopsis We present non-destructive single-pass ion bunch detection and characterisation by measuring the induced image charge in a detection electrode. The presented technique allows direct determination of ion kinetic energy, absolute ion number and spatial ion bunch length. We will show the results of corresponding measurements with bunches of low-energy highly charged ions and discuss the minimum detectable number of charges.
F. M. Kröger, G. Weber, V. P. Shevelko, S. Hirlaender, M. W. Krasny, and T. Stöhlker
Charge state tailoring of relativistic heavy ion beams for the Gamma Factory project at CERN
X-Ray Spec., 49 :25 (January 2020)
We present charge‐state evolution studies for Pb⁵⁴⁺ ion beams passing through stripper foils at relativistic energies of 5.9 GeV/u. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the optimum target material and non‐equilibrium thickness for the efficient production of few‐electron lead ions, that is, Pb⁸⁰⁺ and Pb⁸¹⁺, at the present European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, accelerator facility at energies as high as 5.9 GeV/u. Based on these predictions, an Al stripper foil has been selected for a proof‐of‐principle measurement in the frame of the Gamma Factory study group. The experimental data confirms a substantial yield of non‐bare Pb ions. In addition, a charge‐state evolution study for the production of Li‐like lead ions Pb⁷⁹⁺ is presented, which will be subject of a follow‐up experiment in the near future.
S. Hagmann, P. Hillenbrand, Y. Litvinov, U. Spillmann, and T. Stöhlker
Coincident mapping of e+and e-from free-free pair production in a magnetic toroidal lepton spectrometer
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1412 :232004 ( 2020)
We discuss the electron-optical properties of a toroidal magnetic sector spectrometer and its suitablilty for electron-positron pair spectroscopy in relativistic ion-atom collisions in the future HESR storage ring at FAIR. With the simultaneous mapping of electrons and positrons and geometric invariants in the lepton trajectorties this instrument offers a very high efficiency for studies of vector momentum correlation in free-free pair production.
H. Kang, S. Chen, Z. Lin, W. Chu, J. Yao, W. Quan, J. Chen, X. Liu, Y. Cheng, and Z. Xu
Comparative study of strong-field ionization of alkaline-earth-metal atoms
Phys. Rev. A, 101 :053433 ( 2020)
We report on a comparative study of strong-field ionization of alkaline-earth-metal atoms by intense femtosecond laser pulses from near-infrared to midinfrared wavelengths. By collecting the ionization signals only produced within the central portion of the laser focus, the focus volume effect is largely reduced and the saturation intensities for different alkaline-earth-metal atoms are reliably determined, which permits us to directly test the strong-field-ionization theories. We demonstrate that the Perelomov-Popov-Terent'ev model accurately predicts the experimental ionization yields and saturation intensities in general for arbitrary values of the Keldysh parameter, while the Ammosov-Delone-Krainov simulations agree with the experiments for the tunneling-ionization regime and also for the regime when the Keldysh parameter is around 1. Our work presents benchmark data for strong-field ionization of alkaline-earth metals over a broad range of laser parameters and confirms the validity of Keldysh's picture for such atoms.
P. Jagodziłski, D. Banaś, M. Pajek, A. Warczak, H. Beyer, A. Gumberidze, G. Weber, T. Stöhlker, and M. Trassinelli
Concept and simulations of a high-resolution asymmetric von Hamos X-ray spectrometer for CRYRING@ESR electron cooler
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1412 :132031 ( 2020)
A concept of a high resolution asymmetric von Hamos X-ray spectrometer for the CRYRING@ESR electron cooler is described and its characteristics obtained by ray-tracing Monte-Carlo simulations are presented. The spectrometer will be used to study the QED e-ects in H-like medium-Z ions by measuring the energies of X-rays from radiative recombination of highly charged ions with cooling electrons, with a ppm precision of energy determination.
Y. Xing, J. Glorius, L. Varga, L. Bott, C. Brandau, B. Brückner, R. Chen, X. Chen, S. Dababneh, T. Davinson, P. Erbacher, S. Fiebiger, T. Gassner, K. Göbel, M. Groothuis, A. Gumberidze, G. Gyürky, M. Heil, R. Hess, R. Hensch, P. Hillmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, O. Hinrichs, B. Jurado, T. Kausch, A. Khodaparast, T. Kisselbach, N. Klapper, C. Kozhuharov, D. Kurtulgil, G. Lane, C. Langer, C. Lederer-Woods, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, Y. Litvinov, B. Löher, N. Petridis, U. Popp, M. Reed, R. Reifarth, M. Sanjari, H. Simon, Z. Slavkovská, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, J. Stumm, T. Szücs, T. Nguyen, A. Zadeh, B. Thomas, S. Torilov, H. Törnqvist, C. Trageser, S. Trotsenko, M. Volknandt, M. Wang, M. Weigand, C. Wolf, P. Woods, Y. Zhang, and X. Zhou
Determination of luminosity for in-ring reactions: A new approach for the low-energy domain
Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A, 982 :164367 ( 2020)
Luminosity is a measure of the colliding frequency between beam and target and it is a crucial parameter for the measurement of absolute values, such as reaction cross sections. In this paper, we make use of experimental data from the ESR storage ring to demonstrate that the luminosity can be precisely determined by modelling the measured Rutherford scattering distribution. The obtained results are in good agreement with an independent measurement based on the x-ray normalization method. Our new method provides an alternative way to precisely measure the luminosity in low-energy stored-beam configurations. This can be of great value in particular in dedicated low-energy storage rings where established methods are difficult or impossible to apply.
L. Lamaignère, G. Toci, B. Patrizi, M. Vannini, A. Pirri, S. Fanetti, R. Bini, G. Mennerat, A. Melninkaitis, L. Lukas, and J. Hein
Determination of non-linear refractive index of laser crystals and ceramics via different optical techniques
Opt. Mater. X, 8 :100065 ( 2020)
The exact knowledge of optical material parameters is crucial for laser systems design. Therefore, the work reported herein was dedicated to the determination of an important parameter that is typically not known or only known with insufficient precision: the Kerr coefficient determined by the third order non-linearity, also called the n2-parameter. The optical Kerr effect is responsible for the accumulated nonlinear phase (the B-integral) in high energy laser amplifiers, which often represents a serious limitation. Therefore, the knowledge of n2 is especially required for new types of laser materials. In this paper we report measurements carried out on the widely used optical material Ytterbium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (Yb:YAG) ceramics. Furthermore, the new Neodymium-doped Calcium Fluoride (Nd:CaF2) crystal was investigated. Specifically, three different approaches have been employed to determine experimentally the nonlinear refractive index of these materials. Thus classical Z-scan technique (at two different wavelengths), the degenerated four waves mixing and the time-resolved digital holography techniques, were compared. These different approaches have permitted the precise measurements of these parameters as well as their dispersion estimations.
A. Borovik, G. Weber, V. Hilbert, H. Lin, P. Pfäfflein, B. Zhu, C. Hahn, M. Lestinsky, S. Schippers, T. Stöhlker, and J. Rothhardt
Development of a detector to register low-energy, charge-changed ions from ionization experiments at CRYRING@ESR
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 1412 :242003 ( 2020)
A detector setup for registering ion species between the poles of a dipole magnet at CRYRING@ESR has been developed. It is based on a scintillator delivering light via a quartz light guide onto a semiconductor photomultiplier. The detector is capable of operating in a strong magnetic field. It can be swiftly retracted from the exposition area during the beam injection into the ring and repositioned back for the measurement cycle to avoid unnecessary exposition and, thus, to increase the scintillator life time.
N. Geib, R. Hollinger, E. Haddad, P. Herrmann, F. Légaré, T. Pertsch, C. Spielmann, M. Zürch, and F. Eilenberger
Discrete dispersion scan setup for measuring few-cycle laser pulses in the mid-infrared
Opt. Lett., 45 :5295 ( 2020)
In this work, we demonstrate a discrete dispersion scan scheme using a low number of flat windows to vary the dispersion of laser pulses in discrete steps. Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the pulse duration can be retrieved accurately with less than 10 dispersion steps, which we verify experimentally by measuring few-cycle pulses and material dispersion curves at 3 and 10 µm wavelength. This minimal measuring scheme using only five optical components without the need for linear positioners and interferometric alignment can be readily implemented in many wavelength ranges and situations.
D. Samoilenko, A. Volotka, and S. Fritzsche
Elastic photon scattering on hydrogenic atoms near resonances
Atoms, 8 :12 ( 2020)
Scattering of light on relativistic heavy ion beams is widely used for characterizing and tuning the properties of both the light and the ion beam. Its elastic component-Rayleigh scattering-is investigated in this work for photon energies close to certain electronic transitions because of its potential usage in the Gamma Factory initiative at CERN. The angle-differential cross-section, as well as the degree of polarization of the scattered light are investigated for the cases of 1s - 2p1/2 and 1s - 2p3/2 resonance transitions in H-like lead ions. In order to gauge the validity and uncertainty of frequently used approximations, we compare different methods. In particular, rigorous quantum electrodynamics calculations are compared with the resonant electric-dipole approximation evaluated within the relativistic and nonrelativistic formalisms. For better understanding of the origin of the approximation, the commonly used theoretical approach is explained here in detail. We find that in most cases, the nonrelativistic resonant electric-dipole approximation fails to describe the properties of the scattered light. At the same time, its relativistic variant agrees with the rigorous treatment within a level of 10% to 20%. These findings are essential for the design of an experimental setup exploiting the scattering process, as well as for the determination of the scattered light properties.
J. Hornung, Y. Zobus, P. Boller, C. Brabetz, U. Eisenbarth, T. Kühl, Zs. Major, J. Ohland, M. Zepf, B. Zielbauer, and V. Bagnoud
Enhancement of the laser-driven proton source at PHELIX
HPLaser, 8 :e24 ( 2020)
We present a study of laser-driven ion acceleration with micrometre and sub-micrometre thick targets, which focuses on the enhancement of the maximum proton energy and the total number of accelerated particles at the PHELIX facility. Using laser pulses with a nanosecond temporal contrast of up to and an intensity of the order of, proton energies up to 93 MeV are achieved. Additionally, the conversion efficiency at incidence angle was increased when changing the laser polarization to p, enabling similar proton energies and particle numbers as in the case of normal incidence and s-polarization, but reducing the debris on the last focusing optic.