Peer-Review Publications


J. P. Kennedy, M. Coughlan, C. R. J. Fitzpatrick, H. M. Huddleston, J. Smyth, N. Breslin, H. Donnelly, B. Villagomez-Bernabe, Olga Rosmej, F. Currell, L. Stella, D. Riley, M. Zepf, M. Yeung, C. L. S. Lewis, and B. Dromey
Real-Time Observation of Frustrated Ultrafast Recovery from Ionization in Nanostructured SiO 2 Using Laser-Driven Accelerators
Physical review letters, 133 (13) :135001 (September 2024)
Publisher: APS
Giorgio Visentin, Anastasia Borschevsky, Larry A. Viehland, Stephan Fritzsche, and Mustapha Laatiaoui
Laser resonance chromatography of 229Th3+ in He: An ab initio investigation
Physical review / A, 110 (2) :023105 (August 2024)
Publisher: Inst.
Riccardo Mincigrucci, Ettore Paltanin, Jacopo-Stefano Pelli-Cresi, Fabrizio Gala, Emanuele Pontecorvo, Laura Foglia, Dario De Angelis, Danny Fainozzi, Alessandro Gessini, Daniel S. P. Molina, Ondreij Stranik, Felix Wechsler, Rainer Heintzmann, Jan Rothhardt, Lars Loetgering, Giancarlo Ruocco, Filippo Bencivenga, and Claudio Masciovecchio
Structured illumination microscopy with extreme ultraviolet pulses
Optics express, 32 (17) :30813 - (August 2024)
Publisher: Optica
Shantanu Kodgirwar, Lars Loetgering, Chang Liu, Aleena Joseph, Leona Licht, Daniel Santiago Penagos Molina, Wilhelm Eschen, Jan Rothhardt, and Michael Habeck
Bayesian multi-exposure image fusion for robust high dynamic range ptychography
Optics express, 32 (16) :28090 (July 2024)
Publisher: Optica
Fang Liu, Slawomir Skruszewicz, Julian Späthe, Yinyu Zhang, Sebastian Hell, Bo Ying, Gerhard G. Paulus, Bálint Kiss, Krishna Murari, Malin Khalil, Eric Cormier, Li Guang Jiao, Stephan Fritzsche, and Matthias Kübel
Exploring valence-electron dynamics of xenon through laser-induced electron diffraction
Physical review / A, 110 (1) :013118 (July 2024)
Publisher: APS
Mathias Lenski, Tobias Heuermann, Ziyao Wang, Christopher Aleshire, Christian Gaida, Cesar Jauregui, and Jens Limpert
In-band pumped, Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser system delivering 140 W and 7 mJ pulse energy
Optics letters, 49 (14) :4042 - (July 2024)
Publisher: Soc.
D. Freire-Fernández, W. Korten, Rui Jiu Chen, Sergey Litvinov, Yury Litvinov, M. S. Sanjari, H. Weick, F. C. Akinci, Helena May Albers, Michael Armstrong, Akashrup Banerjee, K. Blaum, Carsten Brandau, B. A. Brown, C. G. Bruno, J. J. Carroll, X. Chen, C. J. Chiara, M. L. Cortes, S. F. Dellmann, I. Dillmann, Dmytro Dmytriiev, Oliver Forstner, H. Geissel, Jan Glorius, A. Görgen, Magdalena Gorska-Ott, C. J. Griffin, Alexandre Gumberidze, S. Harayama, Regina Heß, Nicolas James Hubbard, K. E. Ide, Ph. R. John, Ronald Joseph, B. Jurado, D. Kalaydjieva, Kanika Kanika, F. G. Kondev, P. Koseoglou, G. Kosir, Christophor Kozhuharov, Ivan Kulikov, G. Leckenby, B. Lorenz, J. Marsh, Andrew Mistry, A. Ozawa, N. Pietralla, Zs. Podolyak, M. Polettini, M. Sguazzin, Ragandeep Singh Sidhu, Markus Steck, Thomas Stöhlker, J. A. Swartz, J. Vesic, P. M. Walker, T. Yamaguchi, and R. Zidarova
Measurement of the Isolated Nuclear Two-Photon Decay in $^72Ge $
Physical review letters, 133 (2) :022502 (July 2024)
Publisher: APS
Jonathan Correa, Alexandr Ignatenko, David Pennicard, Sabine Lange, Sergei Fridman, Sebastian Karl, Leon Lohse, Björn Senfftleben, Ilya Sergeev, Sven Velten, Deepak Prajapat, Lars Bocklage, Hubertus Bromberger, Andrey Samartsev, Aleksandr Chumakov, Rudolf Rüffer, Joachim Zanthier, Ralf Röhlsberger, and Heinz Graafsma
TEMPUS, a Timepix4-based system for the event-based detection of X-rays
Journal of synchrotron radiation, 31 (5) :1209 - 1216 (July 2024)
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Giorgio Visentin, Harry Ramanantoanina, Anastasia Borschevsky, Larry Viehland, Biswajit Jana, Aayush Arya, Stephan Fritzsche, and Mustapha Laatiaoui
Transport-property predictions for laser resonance chromatography on Rf + ( Z = 104 )
Physical review / A, 110 (1) :012805 (July 2024)
Publisher: Inst.
Victor Hariton, Yujiao Jiang, Arthur Schönberg, Marcus Seidel, Marek Wieland, Mark J. Prandolini, Ingmar Hartl, Markus Drescher, and Christoph Heyl
UV 30 fs laser pulse generation using a multi-pass cell
Optics letters, 49 (13) :3769 - (July 2024)
Publisher: Soc.
Lyubomir Stoyanov, Nikolay Dimitrov, Felix Wiesner, Michael Fedoruk, Gerhard G. Paulus, and Alexander Dreischuh
Wavelength-tolerant generation of Bessel-Gaussian beams using vortex phase plates
Applied optics, 63 (21) :5699 (July 2024)
Publisher: Optical Soc. of America
Zhongwen Wu, W. Liu, and Stephan Fritzsche
Angle-resolved linear polarization of characteristic lines following innershell $2p_3/2$ photoionization of atoms
The European physical journal / D, 78 (6) :69 (June 2024)
Publisher: Springer
Chintan Shah, Moto Togawa, Marc Botz, Jonas Danisch, Joschka J. Goes, Sonja Bernitt, Marleen Maxton, Kai Köbnick, Jens Buck, Jörn Seltmann, Moritz Hoesch, Ming Feng Gu, F. Scott Porter, Thomas Pfeifer, Maurice A. Leutenegger, Charles Cheung, Marianna S. Safronova, and José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
High-precision Transition Energy Measurements of Neon-like Fe xvii Ions
The astrophysical journal / Part 1, 969 (1) :52 - (June 2024)
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publ.
Lucas Eisenbach, Ziyao Wang, Jan Schulte, Tobias Heuermann, Peter Russbüldt, Rudolf Meyer, Philipp Gierschke, Mathias Lenski, Muneo Sugiura, Koichi Tamura, Jens Limpert, and Constantin Häfner
Highly efficient nonlinear compression of mJ pulses at 2 $μ$m wavelength to 20 fs in a gas-filled multi-pass cell
JPhys photonics, 6 (3) :035015 (June 2024)
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Arghya Mukherjee, and Daniel Seipt
Laser polarization control of ionization-injected electron beams and x-ray radiation in laser wakefield accelerators
Plasma physics and controlled fusion, 66 (8) :085001 (June 2024)
Publisher: IOP Publ.
Stephan Fritzsche, Aloka Kumar Sahoo, L. Sharma, Zhongwen Wu, and S. Schippers
Merits of atomic cascade computations
The European physical journal / D, 78 (6) :75 (June 2024)
Publisher: Springer
Chintan Shah, Steffen Kühn, Sonja Bernitt, Rene Steinbrügge, Moto Togawa, Lukas Berger, Jens Buck, Moritz Hoesch, Jörn Seltmann, Mikhail G. Kozlov, Sergey G. Porsev, Ming Feng Gu, F. Scott Porter, Thomas Pfeifer, Maurice A. Leutenegger, Charles Cheung, Marianna S. Safronova, and José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
Natural-linewidth measurements of the 3C and 3D soft-x-ray transitions in Ni xix
Physical review / A, 109 (6) :063108 (June 2024)
Publisher: Inst.
Philipp Sikorski, Alec G R Thomas, Stepan S Bulanov, Matt Zepf, and Daniel Seipt
Novel signatures of radiation reaction in electron–laser sidescattering
New journal of physics, 26 (6) :063011 (June 2024)
Publisher: IOP
Sven Velten, Lars Bocklage, Xiwen Zhang, Kai Schlage, Anjali Panchwanee, Sakshath Sadashivaiah, Ilya Sergeev, Olaf Leupold, Aleksandr I. Chumakov, Olga Kocharovskaya, and Ralf Röhlsberger
Nuclear quantum memory for hard x-ray photon wave packets
Science advances, 10 (26) :eadn9825 (June 2024)
Publisher: Assoc.
Yuan-Cheng Wang, Li Guang Jiao, Aihua Liu, Yew Kam Ho, and Stephan Fritzsche
p-wave resonances in the exponential cosine screened Coulomb potential*
Communications in theoretical physics, 76 (7) :075501 (June 2024)
Publisher: Inst. of Theoretical Physics
F. C. Salgado, Alperen Kozan, Daniel Seipt, D. Hollatz, P. Hilz, M. Kaluza, A. Sävert, A. Seidel, D. Ullmann, Y. Zhao, and M. Zepf
All-optical source size and emittance measurements of laser-accelerated electron beams
Physical review accelerators and beams, 27 (5) :052803 (May 2024)
Publisher: American Physical Society
Fabian Schütze, Leonard Doyle, Jörg Schreiber, Karl Matthäus Zepf, and Felix Karbstein
Dark-field setup for the measurement of light-by-light scattering with high-intensity lasers
Physical review / D, 109 (9) :096009 (May 2024)
Publisher: American Physical Society
Holger Gies, and Kevin K. K. Tam
Fermionic fixed-point structure of asymptotically safe QED with a Pauli term
The European physical journal / C, 84 (5) :477 (May 2024)
Publisher: Springer
Yuan-Cheng Wang, Jia Ma, Li-Guang Jiao, and Stephan Fritzsche
Inner-shell ionization cross sections of atoms by positron impact
Communications in theoretical physics, 76 (6) :065502 (May 2024)
Publisher: Inst. of Theoretical Physics
Stefan Ringleb, Markus Kiffer, Manuel Vogel, and Thomas Stöhlker
Off-resonance electronic detection and cooling of ions in a Penning trap
The European physical journal / Plus, 139 (5) :401 (May 2024)
Publisher: Springer