9th Joint RS-APS & HGS-HIRe Lecture Week

In October 2021 the Research School RS-APS of the Helmholtz Institute Jena organized already the ninth edition of its annual Lecture Week.  Due to the Covid-19 situation the lecture week could not be held as a face-to-face event in the tradional format. However, similar to 2020 RS-APS offered this scientific training event in a modified online version. Different from the previous year’s installment, the online Lecture Week consisted not only of a series of lectures but was also complemented with group working sessions in the afternoon. For four days the 24 doctoral students learned about various aspects of “Novel applications triggered by modern laser technologies”.  RS-APS was fortunate to recruit four experts addressing subtopics of this research field:  César Jauregui (IAP, University of Jena) gave an introduction to “Fundamentals of ultrafast lasers” and Vincent Bagnoud (GSI and TU Darmstadt) contiuned with an “Introduction to plasmas and relativistic laser-plasma interactions”. Jens Osterhoff (DESY Hamburg) contributed a lecture focusing on the “Physics of Plasma and Laser-Plasma-Accelerator systems”. In addition, Peter Thirolf (LMU Munich) made an excursion to “High Precision Laser Spectroscopy” and gave an insight view on the status of nuclear clocks. Overall the online version of the Lecture Week was very well received and led to fruitful discussions between students and lecturers.