Third joint Lecture Week of RS-APS and HGS-HIRe was held at Haus Ebersberg

The third Joint HGS-HIRe (Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research) and RS-APS (Research School of Advanced Photon Science) Lecture Week was held at Haus Ebersberg during September 13-18, 2015. The lecturers Yuri Litvinov (GSI), Wilfried Nörtershäuser (TU Darmstadt), Jan Rothhardt (HI Jena and FSU Jena) and Andrey Surzhykov (HI Jena and FSU Jena) gave a comprehensive overview of the various  aspects of "Laser spectroscopy of stored and trapped ions". The lectures were complemented by student presentations dedicated to a deeper insight into selected topics.