Peer-Review Publications
Guang Yang,
Vinicius Silva Oliveira,
Dominic Laumer,
Christoph M. Heyl,
Andrey Yachmenev,
Ingmar Hartl,
and Jochen Küpper
Self-broadening and self-shift in the $3v_2$ band of ammonia from mid-infrared-frequency-comb spectroscopy
Journal of molecular spectroscopy, 392 :111744 ( 2023)
Publisher: Academic Press
ISSN: 0022-2852
Self-broadening and self-shift in the $3v_2$ band of ammonia from mid-infrared-frequency-comb spectroscopy
Journal of molecular spectroscopy, 392 :111744 ( 2023)
Publisher: Academic Press
ISSN: 0022-2852
S. Kosugi,
F. Koike,
M. Iizawa,
F. Hosseini,
J. Martins,
T. Marchenko,
O. Travnikova,
J. D. Bozek,
K. Ito,
Stephan Fritzsche,
M. N. Piancastelli,
M. Simon,
and Y. Azuma
Strong configuration-interaction contributions to the angle-resolved $4_p$ photoelectron spectra of atomic xenon
Physical review / A, 107 (2) :022814 ( 2023)
Publisher: APS
ISSN: 2469-9926
Strong configuration-interaction contributions to the angle-resolved $4_p$ photoelectron spectra of atomic xenon
Physical review / A, 107 (2) :022814 ( 2023)
Publisher: APS
ISSN: 2469-9926
Dominic Laumer,
Haydar Sarper Salman,
Yuxuan Ma,
Kevin T. Zawilski,
Peter G. Schunemann,
Marcus Seidel,
Christoph Heyl,
and Ingmar Hartl
Sub-Hz relative linewidths from an interferometrically stabilized mid-infrared frequency comb
Optics letters, 48 (11) :3055 ( 2023)
Publisher: OSA
ISSN: 0146-9592
Sub-Hz relative linewidths from an interferometrically stabilized mid-infrared frequency comb
Optics letters, 48 (11) :3055 ( 2023)
Publisher: OSA
ISSN: 0146-9592
Kristian König,
Stephan Fritzsche,
Gaute Hagen,
Jason D. Holt,
Andrew Klose,
Jeremy Lantis,
Yuan Liu,
Kei Minamisono,
Takayuki Miyagi,
Witold Nazarewicz,
Thomas Papenbrock,
Skyy V. Pineda,
Robert Powel,
and Paul-Gerhard Reinhard
Surprising Charge-Radius Kink in the Sc Isotopes at N = 20
Physical review letters, 131 (10) :102501 ( 2023)
Publisher: APS
ISSN: 0031-9007
Surprising Charge-Radius Kink in the Sc Isotopes at N = 20
Physical review letters, 131 (10) :102501 ( 2023)
Publisher: APS
ISSN: 0031-9007
F. Kröger,
G. Weber,
S. Allgeier,
Z. Andelkovic,
S. Bernitt,
A. Borovik,
L. Duval,
A. Fleischmann,
O. Forstner,
M. Friedrich,
J. Glorius,
A. Gumberidze,
C. Hahn,
F. Herfurth,
D. Hengstler,
M. Herdrich,
P.-M. Hillenbrand,
A. Kalinin,
M. Kiffer,
M. Kubullek,
P. Kuntz,
M. Lestinsky,
B. Löher,
E. Menz,
T. Over,
N. Petridis,
P. Pfäfflein,
S. Ringleb,
R. Sidhu,
U. Spillmann,
S. Trotsenko,
A. Warczak,
B. Zhu,
C. Enss,
and T. Stöhlker
Towards an Intrinsic Doppler Correction for X-ray Spectroscopy of Stored Ions at CRYRING@ESR
Atoms, 11 :1 (January 2023)
Towards an Intrinsic Doppler Correction for X-ray Spectroscopy of Stored Ions at CRYRING@ESR
Atoms, 11 :1 (January 2023)
We report on a new experimental approach for the Doppler correction of X-rays emitted by heavy ions, using novel metallic magnetic calorimeter detectors which uniquely combine a high spectral resolution with a broad bandwidth acceptance. The measurement was carried out at the electron cooler of CRYRING@ESR at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany. The X-ray emission associated with the radiative recombination of cooler electrons and stored hydrogen-like uranium ions was investigated using two novel microcalorimeter detectors positioned under 0∘ and 180∘ with respect to the ion beam axis. This new experimental setup allowed the investigation of the region of the N, M → L transitions in helium-like uranium with a spectral resolution unmatched by previous studies using conventional semiconductor X-ray detectors. When assuming that the rest-frame energy of at least a few of the recorded transitions is well-known from theory or experiments, a precise measurement of the Doppler shifted line positions in the laboratory system can be used to determine the ion beam velocity using only spectral information. The spectral resolution achievable with microcalorimeter detectors should, for the first time, allow intrinsic Doppler correction to be performed for the precision X-ray spectroscopy of stored heavy ions. A comparison with data from a previous experiment at the ESR electron cooler, as well as the conventional method of conducting Doppler correction using electron cooler parameters, will be discussed.
H. N. Gopalakrishna,
R. Baruah,
C. Hünecke,
V. Korolev,
M. Thümmler,
A. Croy,
M. Richter,
F. Yahyaei,
R. Hollinger,
V. Shumakova,
I. Uschmann,
H. Marschner,
M. Zürch,
C. Reichardt,
A. Undisz,
J. Dellith,
A. Pugžlys,
A. Baltuska,
C. Spielmann,
U. Peschel,
S. Gräfe,
M. Wächtler,
and D. Kartashov
Tracing spatial confinement in semiconductor quantum dots by high-order harmonic generation
Physical review research, 5 (1) :013128 ( 2023)
Publisher: APS
ISSN: 2643-1564
Tracing spatial confinement in semiconductor quantum dots by high-order harmonic generation
Physical review research, 5 (1) :013128 ( 2023)
Publisher: APS
ISSN: 2643-1564
P. Balla,
H. Tuennermann,
S. Salman,
M. Fan,
S. Ališauskas,
I. Hartl,
and C. Heyl
Ultrafast serrodyne optical frequency translator
Nature Photonics, 17 :187 (December 2023)
Ultrafast serrodyne optical frequency translator
Nature Photonics, 17 :187 (December 2023)
The serrodyne principle enables an electromagnetic signal to be frequency shifted by applying a linear phase ramp in the time domain. This phenomenon has been exploited to frequency shift signals in the radiofrequency, microwave and optical regions of the electromagnetic spectrum over ranges of up to a few gigahertz, for example, to analyse the Doppler shift of radiofrequency signals for noise suppression and frequency stabilization. Here we employ this principle to shift the centre frequency of high-power femtosecond laser pulses over a range of several terahertz with the help of a nonlinear multi-pass cell. We demonstrate our method experimentally by shifting the central wavelength of a state-of-the-art 75 W frequency comb laser from 1,030 nm to 1,060 nm and to 1,000 nm. Furthermore, we experimentally show that this wavelength-shifting technique supports coherence characteristics at the few hertz-level while improving the temporal pulse quality. The technique is generally applicable to wide parameter ranges and different laser systems, enabling efficient wavelength conversion of high-power lasers to spectral regions beyond the gain bandwidth of available laser platforms.
C. Liu,
W. Eschen,
L. Loetgering,
D. Molina,
R. Klas,
A. Iliou,
M. Steinert,
S. Herkersdorf,
A. Kirsche,
T. Pertsch,
F. Hillmann,
J. Limpert,
and J. Rothhardt
Visualizing the ultra-structure of microorganisms using table-top extreme ultraviolet imaging
PhotoniX, 4 :1 (January 2023)
Visualizing the ultra-structure of microorganisms using table-top extreme ultraviolet imaging
PhotoniX, 4 :1 (January 2023)
Table-top extreme ultraviolet (EUV) microscopy offers unique opportunities for label-free investigation of biological samples. Here, we demonstrate ptychographic EUV imaging of two dried, unstained model specimens: germlings of a fungus (Aspergillus nidulans), and bacteria (Escherichia coli) cells at 13.5 nm wavelength. We find that the EUV spectral region, which to date has not received much attention for biological imaging, offers sufficient penetration depths for the identification of intracellular features. By implementing a position-correlated ptychography approach, we demonstrate a millimeter-squared field of view enabled by infrared illumination combined with sub-60 nm spatial resolution achieved with EUV illumination on selected regions of interest. The strong element contrast at 13.5 nm wavelength enables the identification of the nanoscale material composition inside the specimens. Our work will advance and facilitate EUV imaging applications and enable further possibilities in life science.
M. Herdrich,
D. Hengstler,
A. Fleischmann,
C. Enss,
A. Gumberidze,
P.-M. Hillenbrand,
P. Indelicato,
S. Fritzsche,
and T. Stöhlker
X-ray Spectroscopy Based on Micro-Calorimeters at Internal Targets of Storage Rings
Atoms, 11 :1 (January 2023)
X-ray Spectroscopy Based on Micro-Calorimeters at Internal Targets of Storage Rings
Atoms, 11 :1 (January 2023)
With metallic-magnetic calorimeters (MMCs), promising detectors for high-precision X-ray spectrometry in atomic and fundamental physics experiments are available. In this work, we present a pilot experiment based on a maXs-30 type MMC-spectrometer for recording X-rays emitted in collisions of lithium-like uranium ions with a molecular nitrogen gas jet in the internal target of the ESR storage ring of the GSI. Sample spectra have been measured, and a multitude of X-ray transitions have been unambiguously identified. As a first test and for comparison with data recorded at an EBIT, the 2s Lamb shift in lithium-like uranium was estimated.
B. Liu,
M. Shi,
M. Zepf,
B. Lei,
and D. Seipt
Accelerating Ions by Crossing Two Ultraintense Lasers in a Near-Critical Relativistically Transparent Plasma
Phys. Rev. Lett., 129 :274801 (December 2022)
Accelerating Ions by Crossing Two Ultraintense Lasers in a Near-Critical Relativistically Transparent Plasma
Phys. Rev. Lett., 129 :274801 (December 2022)
A new scheme of ion acceleration by crossing two ultraintense laser pulses in a near-critical relativistically transparent plasma is proposed. One laser, acting as a trigger, preaccelerates background ions in its radial direction via the laser-driven shock. Another crossed laser drives a comoving snowplow field which traps some of the preaccelerated ions and then efficiently accelerates them to high energies up to a few giga-electron-volts. The final output ion beam is collimated and quasimonoenergetic due to a momentum-selection mechanism. Particle-in-cell simulations and theoretical analysis show that the scheme is feasible and robust.
H. Gies,
F. Karbstein,
and L. Klar
All-optical quantum vacuum signals in two-beam collisions
Phys. Rev. D, 106 :116005 (December 2022)
All-optical quantum vacuum signals in two-beam collisions
Phys. Rev. D, 106 :116005 (December 2022)
We study the collision of two optical laser pulses in a pump-probe setup using beams with circular and elliptic cross section and estimate the number of discernible signal photons induced by quantum vacuum nonlinearities. In this analysis we study strategies to optimize the quantum vacuum signal discernible from the background of the driving lasers. One of the main results is that the collision of two maximally focused lasers does not lead to the best discernible signal. Instead, widening the focus typically improves the signal to background separation in the far field. For petawatt class lasers, an optimal choice of the focus waist yields several discernible photons per shot in contrast to no discernible signal for tight focusing. Further enhancement is possible by using an elliptical waist.
S. Fritzsche
Application of Symmetry-Adapted Atomic Amplitudes
Atoms, 10 :127 (December 2022)
Application of Symmetry-Adapted Atomic Amplitudes
Atoms, 10 :127 (December 2022)
Following the work of Giulio Racah and others from the 1940s onward, the rotational symmetry of atoms and ions, e.g., the conservation of angular momentum, has been utilized in order to efficiently predict atomic behavior, from their level structure to the interaction with external fields, and up to the angular distribution and polarization of either emitted or scattered photons and electrons, while this rotational symmetry becomes apparent first of all in the block-diagonal structure of the Hamiltonian matrix, it also suggests a straight and consequent use of symmetry-adapted interaction amplitudes in expressing the observables of most atomic properties and processes. We here emphasize and discuss how atomic structure theory benefits from exploiting this symmetry, especially if open-shell atoms and ions in different charge states need to be combined with electrons in the continuum. By making use of symmetry-adapted amplitudes, a large number of excitation, ionization, recombination or even cascade processes can be formulated rather independently of the atomic shell structure and in a language close to the formal theory. The consequent use of these amplitudes in existing codes such as Grasp will therefore qualify them to deal with the recently emerging demands for developing general-purpose tools for atomic computations.
H. Gies,
D. Gkiatas,
and L. Zambelli
Background effective action with nonlinear massive gauge fixing
Phys. Rev. D, 106 :116013 (December 2022)
Background effective action with nonlinear massive gauge fixing
Phys. Rev. D, 106 :116013 (December 2022)
We combine a recent construction of a Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST)-invariant, nonlinear massive gauge fixing with the background field formalism. The resulting generating functional preserves background -field invariance as well as BRST invariance of the quantum field manifestly. The construction features BRST-invariant mass parameters for the quantum gauge and ghost fields. The formalism employs a background Nakanishi-Lautrup field which is part of the nonlinear gauge-fixing sector and thus should not affect observables. We verify this expectation by computing the one-loop effective action and the beta function of the gauge coupling as an example. The corresponding Schwinger functional generating connected correlation functions acquires additional one-particle reducible terms that vanish on shell. We also study off-shell one -loop contributions in order to explore the consequences of a nonlinear gauge fixing scheme involving a background Nakanishi-Lautrup field. As an application, we show that our formalism straightforwardly accommodates nonperturbative information about propagators in the Landau gauge in the form of the so-called decoupling solution. Using this nonperturbative input, we find evidence for the formation of a gluon condensate for sufficiently large coupling, whose scale is set by the BRST-invariant gluon mass parameter.
K. A. Janulewicz,
Ł. Węgrzyński,
T. Fok,
A. Bartnik,
H. Fiedorowicz,
S. Skruszewicz,
M. Wünsche,
E. Eckner,
S. Fuchs,
J. Reinhard,
J. J. Abel,
F. Wiesner,
G.G. Paulus,
C. Rödel,
C. M. Kim,
and P. W. Wachulak
Broadband soft X-ray source from a clustered gas target dedicated to high-resolution XCT and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Opt. Express, 30 :47867 (December 2022)
Broadband soft X-ray source from a clustered gas target dedicated to high-resolution XCT and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Opt. Express, 30 :47867 (December 2022)
S. Strnat,
J. Sommerfeldt,
V. Yerokhin,
W. Middents,
T. Stöhlker,
and A. Surzhykov
Circular Polarimetry of Hard X-rays with Rayleigh Scattering
Atoms, 10 :140 (December 2022)
Circular Polarimetry of Hard X-rays with Rayleigh Scattering
Atoms, 10 :140 (December 2022)
We present a theoretical investigation of the elastic Rayleigh scattering of X-rays by atomic targets. Special attention is paid to the question of how the polarization of the scattered photons is affected if the incident light is itself polarized. In particular, we found that the circular polarization of the incoming X-rays may lead to a remarkable modification of the linear polarization of the scattered photons. Based on this \textasciigrave circular-to-linear-polarization-transfer\textquotesingle and on the fact that the linear polarization of X-rays can be conveniently observed by solid-state Compton detectors, we argue that Rayleigh scattering may be used as a tool for circular polarimetry of hard X-rays. To illustrate our proposal, we performed detailed calculations of 145 and 500 keV circularly polarized photons scattered by lead atoms. Based on these calculations, we found that the photon scattering under large angles with respect to the incident beam direction is most favorable for the circular polarimetry of hard X-rays. In particular, for 500 keV photon energy and scattering angles around 70 deg we found a remarkable modification of the linear polarization of scattered light for the case when the incident radiation is circularly polarized.
Z. Y. Song,
Z. W. Wu,
Z. H. Yang,
B. L. Zhang,
and G. Q. Xiao
Energy-loss enhancement and charge-equilibration time for highly charged xenon ions at near-Bohr velocity in solids
Phys. Rev. A, 106 :062817 (December 2022)
Energy-loss enhancement and charge-equilibration time for highly charged xenon ions at near-Bohr velocity in solids
Phys. Rev. A, 106 :062817 (December 2022)
We probe the energy-loss enhancement in preequilibration and the charge-equilibration time for highly charged Xe ions (qin = 15-26) at near-Bohr velocity impinging on an Al target by measuring the dependence of the Xe L-shell x-ray yield on the initial charge state of the ions. The present results are found to be very consistent with those obtained in ion-transmission thin-foil experiments. The charge-equilibrium time is measured in the near-Bohr velocity region of highly charged ions in solids. Moreover, for the present collision system it is demonstrated by measuring the inner-shell x rays that the ionization of the inner-shell electrons of the projectile ions starts to contribute to ion energy loss at near-Bohr velocity.
M. Lestinsky,
E. Menz,
H. Danared,
C. Krantz,
E. Lindroth,
Z. Andelkovic,
C. Brandau,
A. Braeuning-Demian,
S. Fedotova,
W. Geithner,
F. Herfurth,
A. Kalinin,
I. Kraus,
U. Spillmann,
G. Vorobyev,
and T. Stöhlker
First Experiments with CRYRING@ESR
Atoms, 10 :141 (December 2022)
First Experiments with CRYRING@ESR
Atoms, 10 :141 (December 2022)
The low-energy heavy ion storage ring CRYRING was transported from Stockholm to Darmstadt, modernized and reconfigured, and recommissioned as CRYRING@ESR. The machine is now in operation with all installations in service and is available as a user facility for experiments proposed through the SPARC collaboration. During the 2020-2022 period, we brought a number of experimental installations into service and used them to measure first data: the ultra-cold electron cooler for merged-beam electron-ion collisions, the gas jet target for atomic collisions, a next-generation microcalorimeter-based X-ray spectroscopy setup, and others. Ions can be injected either in low charge states from a local ion source through a 300 keV/u RFQ linac, or in high charge states from the GSI accelerator chain through ESR. This allows for very broad access to ions across the entire periodic table. CRYRING@ESR is able to de- or accelerate ions and cool and store beams of isotopically pure species in a desired charge state. While the analysis is still largely ongoing, the first experimental data already show that the machine reached its expected performance level, and our high expectations regarding achievable resolution in spectroscopy experiments have been fulfilled. With access to new classes of ions available through ESR injection and a new generation of experimental instrumentation, CRYRING@ESR is a unique facility for experiments with heavy, highly charged ions. Here, we will review our present setup and machine performance, discuss the data from our first commissioning experiments and briefly preview the upcoming new installations for the coming years.
B. Baghdasaryan,
C. Sevilla-Gutierrez,
F. Steinlechner,
and S. Fritzsche
Generalized description of the spatio-temporal biphoton state in spontaneous parametric down-conversion
Phys. Rev. A, 106 :063711 (December 2022)
Generalized description of the spatio-temporal biphoton state in spontaneous parametric down-conversion
Phys. Rev. A, 106 :063711 (December 2022)
Spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) is a widely used source for photonic entanglement. Years of focused research have led to a solid understanding of the process, but a cohesive analytical description of the paraxial biphoton state has yet to be achieved. We derive a general expression for the spatio-temporal biphoton state that applies universally across common experimental settings and correctly describes the nonseparability of spatial and spectral modes. We formulate a criterion on how to decrease the coupling of the spatial from the spectral degree of freedom by taking into account the Gouy phase of interacting beams. This work provides new insights into the role of the Gouy phase in SPDC, and also into the preparation of engineered entangled states for multidimensional quantum information processing.