


High Energy Density – From Alien Worlds to Energy and New Materials

Prof. Dr. Dominik Kraus
HZDR, Dresden


The interiors of planets and stars exhibit extreme conditions: High temperatures and enormous pressures create environments which are poorly understood and hard to encompass for established physics models and difficult to recreate and probe in the laboratory. New theoretical and computational developments in combination with new experimental capabilities provided by high-energy lasers and X-ray free electron lasers now finally allow for detailed studies of matter at megabar to gigabar pressures. This will substantially improve our understanding of planets and stars. At the same time, highly interesting new materials, such as “better diamonds”, may be formed via peculiar chemistry at high energy density conditions. Finally, creating states comparable to stellar interiors in the laboratory may also allow to harvest nuclear fusion, the energy source of the stars, on Earth. I will present a showcase of our recent highlight results and provide an outlook for future developments planned for the new High Energy Density Institute (HEDI) in Rostock.

Seminarraum HI-Jena, Fröbelstieg 3
Datum (Start der Veranstaltung)