Events Archive

RS-APS Seminar

RS-APS Seminar

In the last decades, ultrafast lasers have seen an extraordinary power increase and enabled a plethora of applications. However, today it becomes more and more challenging to keep up with this pace since intrinsic physical limitations cannot be avoided anymore. A solution for this problem is spatially and/or temporally separated amplification and subsequent coherent addition of ultrashort pulses. Although this technique is not restricted to a particular laser architecture, it turns out that fiber amplifiers are perfect candidates due to their simple single-pass setups, which can be easily parallelized.

In this talk, recent developments and experiments in the field of coherent addition of ultrashort pulses are presented. The further scaling potential of this technique is discussed and a laser system design is presented that allows to combine, for the first time, TW peak powers and kW average powers.

Seminar room HI-Jena, Fröbelstieg 3