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RS-APS Seminar

RS-APS Seminar

Owing to the recent advances in heavy-ion accelerator facilities and in detection techniques, new possibilities arise to study the electronic structure of simple atomic systems in strong Coulomb fields. Relativistic, quantum electrodynamics, and even nuclear effects, which are difficult to isolate in neutral atoms, often become enhanced in high-Z, few-electron ions. In order to improve understanding of these fundamental interactions, a number of studies have been recently carried out on the characteristic photon emission from heavy ions. In this contribution, we present a theoretical study on angular properties of radiation decay of heavy atomic systems. Special attention is given to the question of how the hyperfine interaction of the nuclear magnetic moment with those of electrons affects the angular properties of the K-alpha emission for isotopes with non-zero nuclear spin. A quite sizable contribution of the hyperfine interaction upon the K-alpha angular emission is found for isotopes with nuclear spin I = ½. Furthermore, lifetime-induced effects on angular distribution and correlation of x-ray emissions from two-step radiative cascades with more than one intermediate resonance are also investigated respectively. It is found that the angular properties of emitted x-ray photons are very sensitive to small energy splitting of the intermediate resonances, which can be used to determine small energy differences.

Seminar room HI-Jena, Fröbelstieg 3